Every 12 Sim hours that it remains untended (unwatered, covered in weeds, or surrounded by bugs), it will decrease in health until it dies. Every 12 Sim hours that it remains tended to, it will increase in health, until it is ready to increasing in quality. When a plant needs to be watered again, its base will appear dry (although visual difference is subtle). Be aware that actual location of the planted seed may shift a little to match the grid.Īfter it is planted, the Sim can water it to keep it healthy until it grows. Once the seed or fruit is placed in a spot (on the ground) where it can be planted, the "Plant" interaction will appear when the Sim clicks on it. So be aware not to buy and open too many seed packs, since your inventory will be full of duplicate, tedious to get rid off seeds. You can eat or plant seeds, but you can't sell them from inventory. This items are seeds, although they have same icon and model as grown fruit/flower/whatever.

Once the Sim received the seed packet, opening it will give the sim one (the higher level packs) or multiple (the starter packs) items. The easiest way to start a garden is to purchase seed packets at a computer or by clicking on a flower pot, or buying the harvestable from shops around the world. You can get your first plants by harvesting plants, growing wild on public lot. Starting with level 1 gardening, a Sim can plant flowers, herbs, fruits, and vegetables on their property, either outdoors on bare earth, or in flower pots. At level 4, Sims can "Talk to Plants," which will build the gardening skill and satisfy social needs. After reaching level 2, sims can "Research Gardening" on any computer or Research Plant when interacting with a plant. Sims also read a gardening skill book to level the skill more quickly. Gardening is mainly built by tending various garden plants. Buy Starter, Seasonal and Catnip Seed Packets