It is possible to see raiders wearing Enclave power armor. Unlike the Fallout 2 version, this armor is inferior to the T-51b power armor, with 10 less Damage Resistance and lower Radiation Resistance. Three are found in the Rockland car tunnel, two of which on the floor, one on a nearby Enclave soldier's corpse. There is also a 5% increase to Radiation Resistance. Like all power armor, power armor training is required to equip it. The set consists of two pieces, the body armor, and helmet. Following the destruction of the oil rig and the flight to the Capital Wasteland, the Enclave has designated the Mark II as its official service uniform and manufactured it en masse once it gained access to Raven Rock and Adams Air Force Base, eventually displacing the older, less protective Mark I suits entirely. The suit was originally available in limited qualities. The helmet assembly retains the insectoid eyepiece arrangement of the Mark I helmet, but the overall shape has been changed to an even more insect-like appearance, with a reduced vertical profile. Unlike the Mark I, the Mark II features a large profile, and more effective, segmented armor plates to achieve a superior degree of protection, with the hump replaced with pauldrons that evoke old world power armor designs, such as the T-45. It is composed entirely of lightweight ceramic composites, providing even more protection than the regular advanced power armor. Despite its age, Fallout 3 is a timeless classic that can still deliver a few surprises for both new and old fans alike.The advanced power armor Mark II represents a significant upgrade over the older Mark I. The freedom to be almost anything is one of the hallmarks of a great RPG. Plenty of interesting archetypes exist that potentially allows the player to witness Fallout 3 in a completely different light. Although the options available may seem limited by today's standards, there's always a different way to play. The roleplaying aspect stands, unsurprisingly, at the core of the game's experience. Updated Augby Mark Hospodar: Even after thirteen years, the desire to revisit the nuclear carnage of Fallout 3 is still strong among fans. Players, however, can never go wrong with these archetypes as they venture through the wasteland. There is a myriad of different ways Fallout 3 can be played.
The good news is that there is no right or wrong answer. Outside of roleplaying, choosing a "build" will have a marked effect on how the gameplay is approached. One of the most important decisions a player must make occurs at the very start of the game. Players must ask themselves, just what kind of character do they want to be?
Like any great RPG, Fallout 3 gives the player a remarkable amount of freedom to make their own choices. Despite its age, Fallout 3 is still a popular as well as revered game.